
Beatles Beatles VI 1965 (US/Ltd) (CD)

Det ursprungliga priset var: 14.95€.Det nuvarande priset är: 12.95€.


  1. 1.  SIDE ONE:
  2. 2.  Kansas city
  3. 3.  Eight days a week
  4. 4.  You like me too much
  5. 5.  Bad boy
  6. 6.  I don’t want to spoil the party
  7. 7.  Words of love
  8. 8.  SIDE TWO:
  9. 9.  What you’re doing
  10. 10.  Yes it is
  11. 11.  Dizzy miss Lizzie
  12. 12.  Tell me what you see
  13. 13.  Every little thing

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